Australia releases National Broadband Network Implementation Study

Thursday, May 6th, 2010

On 6 May 2010 Australia’s Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy (DBCDE) released the National Broadband Network Implementation Study. The Implementation Study examines the Government’s coverage, commerciality and competition objectives as well as the detailed operating arrangements of NBN Co Limited, its ownership and structure, ways to attract private sector investment and longer term privatisation.

The Government is currently considering the Implementation Study and its recommendations. Interested parties are invited to provide comments or submissions on the Implementation Study and its recommendations.

Delivering video services over the NBN

The NBN will expand the possibilities for service providers to deliver video services to end users. Three types of video distribution technologies are possible over a fibre network and need to be considered for NBN Co: IPTV, radio frequency (RF) and OTT.

In addition to enabling new distribution technologies, NBN Co will derive revenue from offering a wholesale video service. While in the longer term, a wholesale video service could generate significant revenue for NBN Co, it is not expected to initially. Nevertheless, a wholesale video service will ultimately increase competition and take-up by opening access to service providers and by providing consumers with greater choice of providers, content, and video experiences.

More: National Broadband Network Implementation Study