Iliad (Free/Alice) adds 48k ADSL subscribers in 1Q10

Wednesday, May 5th, 2010
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PARIS — At 31 March 2010, the Iliad Group (Paris: ILD) totalled more than 4.5 million ADSL subscribers, including 3,866,000 subscribers registered under the Free brand and 638,000 subscribers under the Alice brand. The main changes over the quarter were as follows:

  • Over the 1st quarter 2010, the Free brand recruited 88,000 new subscribers, net of cancellations, resulting in a market share of about 23.3% of new subscribers. This growth underlined the commercial vitality of the Free brand. Over the 1st quarter, recruitment costs per subscriber remained stable at a low level.
  • The Group continued to implement network synergies in the 1st quarter, by switching Alice subscribers to the Free network and expanding the unbundling of eligible subscribers.
                                     31 Mar. 2010  31 Dec. 2009  30 Sept. 2009
                                     ------------  ------------  -------------
Total number of ADSL subscribers        4,504,000     4,456,000      4,420,000
- Free                                  3,866,000     3,778,000      3,689,000
- Alice                                   638,000       678,000        731,000
Unbundled subscribers as % of total        87.11%        85.40%         83.50%

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