DIRECTV grew market share in Uruguay in 2012

Wednesday, April 17th, 2013
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The Uruguayan communications regulator Unidad Reguladora de Servicios de Comunicaciones (URSEC) has released a survey of the telecommunications market in Uruguay up to the end of December 2012.

The number of Pay TV subscribers at year-end was 592,699, up from 536,812 at the end of 2011, a 10.4% increase. Over the preceding 12 months DIRECTV Uruguay grew by over 55% whilst the remainder of the market only grew by 5.5%.

Pay TV evolution

             June 2008  June 2009  June 2010  June 2011  June 2012
             ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
Subscribers    398,014    438,729    470,314    526,093    561,268
Penetration                                                  48.9%

              End-2008   End-2009   End-2010   End-2011   End-2012
             ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
Subscribers    417,206    448,204    491,000    536,812    592,699
Penetration      31.1%      33.3%      36.4%      46.7%      51.4%

Pay TV Market Share

                                         Dec. 2011   June 2012   Dec. 2012   Y-o-Y
                                        ----------  ----------  ----------  ------
DIRECTV (Directv de Uruguay LTDA)           52,670      62,904      81,912   55.5%
Cablevisión (Bersabel S.A.)                 58,224      60,101      59,099    1.5%
Nuevo Siglo (Riselco S.A.)                  48,940      48,955      49,469    1.1%
TCC (Tractoral S.A.)                        48,538      48,520      49,209    1.4%
Montecable (Monte Cablevideo S.A.)          48,680      50,038      47,591   -2.2%
Punta Cable (Consorcio San Fernando)        27,445      25,263      28,648    4.4%
Multiseñal (Multicanal S.A.)                17,828      18,251      18,188    2.0%
Cablevisión (Space Energy Tech S.A.)        15,243      16,166      17,088   12.1%
Cable Plus (Cable Plus S.A.)                15,529      15,403      16,501    6.3%
Cablevisión (Audomar S.A.)                  13,608      14,006      14,285    5.0%
Others                                     190,107     201,661     210,679   10.8%
                                        ----------  ----------  ----------  ------
  Total                                    536,812     561,268     592,669   10.4%
    Excl DIRECTV                           484,142     498,364     510,757    5.5%