Brazil pay TV subscribers continue downward trend

Friday, November 13th, 2015
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According to Brazil’s Agência Nacional de Telecomunicações (Anatel), the country’s pay TV subscriber base ended September 2015 at 19.48 million, with 164 thousand subscribers being lost in the quarter to leave the total only 43 thousand up on one year before.

In the quarter, satellite lost 215 thousand subscribers, to finish with 432 thousand fewer than at the end of September 2014. This was compensated by growth in cable (up 402,000) and FTTH which has almost doubled over the year to 153 thousand subscribers.

Pay TV subscribers by technology

                1Q          2Q          3Q          4Q
        ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
DTH     11,406,577  11,731,297  12,020,542  11,942,606
Cable    6,981,876   7,159,588   7,322,389   7,465,401
FTTH        47,927      61,491      78,137      95,011
MMDS        15,298      12,799      12,592      11,777
Others       3,679       3,389       3,342       3,297
        ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
Total   18,455,357  18,968,564  19,437,002  19,518,092
 Adds      435,680     513,207     468,438      81,090

                                      2015             Change               Change
        ----------------------------------            3Q 2015              3Q 2015
                1Q          2Q          3Q         v, 2Q 2015           v, 3Q 2014
        ----------  ----------  ----------  -----------------  -------------------
DTH     12,009,855  11,802,679  11,588,145  -214,534  (-1.8%)  -432,397    (-3.6%)
Cable    7,626,807   7,697,718   7,724,324    26,606   (0.3%)   401,935     (5.5%)
FTTH       111,202     129,635     153,320    23,685  (18.3%)    75,183    (96.2%)
MMDS        11,291      11,034      10,854      -180  (-1.6%)    -1,738   (-13.8%)
Others       3,253       3,253       3,253         0   (0.0%)       -89    (-2.7%)
        ----------  ----------  ----------  -----------------  -------------------
Total   19,762,408  19,644,319  19,479,896  -164,423  (15.2%)    42,894    (81.6%)
 Adds      244,316    -118,089    -164,423

Pay TV subscribers by operator

Company                           1Q 2015     2Q 2015     3Q 2015
-----------------------------  ----------  ----------  ----------
Telecom Americas                        -           -  10,133,097
- Telmex (Claro/Embratel/NET)  10,266,150  10,158,522           -
SKY/AT&T                                -           -   5,537,956
- SKY/DIRECTV                   5,684,252   5,654,592           -
Telefônica                        790,238     809,280   1,836,994
- Vivendi (GVT)                   939,558     996,251           -
Oi                              1,232,185   1,183,966   1,170,538
Blue                                    -           -     149,151
- Big Brasil                      152,919     152,550           -
NossaTV                           129,522     128,755     130,443
Algar (CTBC Telecom)              117,760     113,218     108,721
Cabo                               48,378      48,972      50,321
Prefeitura de Londrina/Copel        2,785       2,631           -
Others                            398,661     395,582     362,675
-----------------------------  ----------  ----------  ----------
TOTAL                          19,762,408  19,644,319  19,479,896