Digital TV News: Deutsche TV-Plattform

Fincons Group joins Deutsche TV-Plattform
Dec 5, 2019 – Fincons Group has joined Deutsche TV-Plattform, the German non-profit association whose purpose, since its foundation in 1990, is to introduce, disseminate and further develop digital Television in Germany.
News categories: Fincons Group, Deutsche TV-Plattform, Michele Moretti, Andre Prahl, Germany, HbbTV

WDR and Fraunhofer HHI show VVC/H.266 at IFA 2019
Sep 3, 2019 – WDR and the Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute HHI are collaborating to test the Video Coding possibilities offered by the next international standard VVC/H.266. The pair will show initial results at IFA 2019.
News categories: Fraunhofer, WDR, Content Distribution, Digital TV, Germany, IFABerlin

Deutsche TV-Plattform publishes requirements for HbbTV 2 terminals in Germany
Mar 27, 2019 – Deutsche TV-Plattform has published minimum requirements for HbbTV 2 terminals for the German market. The specification defines the required technical profile for a range of new services planned by TV channels in Germany starting in the second half of 2019.
News categories: Deutsche TV-Plattform, Digital TV, Germany, HbbTV, Set Top Box, Smart TV

Opera TV debuts HbbTV 2.0 SDK for TV and STB manufacturers
Aug 27, 2015 – Opera TV will soon start shipping its Hybrid Broadcast Broadband TV (HbbTV) 2.0 software development kit (SDK) to TV manufacturers and set-top-box OEMs, enabling them to get to market with HbbTV-2.0-compliant devices.
News categories: Opera TV, HbbTV Association, Frode Hernes, Klaus Illgner, Digital TV, HbbTV, Set Top Box, Smart TV, Worldwide