Digital TV News: Anil Nihalani

Toggle Red Button HbbTV trial begins in Singapore
May 31, 2016 – Toggle has launched a new service, Toggle Red Button. The service is based on a hybrid technology known as Hybrid Broadcast Broadband TV (HbbTV). Mediacorp, the company that runs Toggle, is the first in Asia to deploy HbbTV technology.
News categories: Mediacorp, Sofia Digital, Anil Nihalani, Digital TV, HbbTV, Singapore, Smart TV, Terrestrial

Gemalto Powers World's First SIM-Based Mobile TV Trial in Singapore with Media Corp, MobileOne, SingTel and StarHub
Sep 9, 2008 – Gemalto (Euronext NL 0000400653 GTO) has announced that the world's first OMA Smart Card Profile compliant mobile TV trial in Singapore is to be enabled by Gemalto's UpTeq™ mobile TV Subscriber Identity Module and viewership measurement service.
News categories: Gemalto, CAM, Content Protection, IBCShow, Mobile, Singapore

Alcatel-Lucent supports launch of world's first commercial trial of mobile TV service based on the Open Mobile Alliance's BCAST Smartcard Profile
Aug 20, 2008 – Alcatel-Lucent (Euronext Paris and NYSE: ALU) has announced its support for the world's first commercial trial of the Open Mobile Alliance (OMA)'s new BCAST Smartcard Profile by MobileOne (M1) and MediaCorp in Singapore.
News categories: Alcatel-Lucent, MobileOne, MediaCorp, CAM, Conditional Access, Content Distribution, Digital TV, DRM, Mobile, Singapore