Strategy Analytics Predicts DLNA Will Have a Breakthrough Year in 2010

Thursday, April 22nd, 2010
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Service Providers and Software Vendors Add Their Support

BOSTON — DLNA-certified (Digital Living Network Alliance) products enable an interoperable network of consumer electronics, computer and mobile devices for use in and beyond the home. Strategy Analytics predicts that over 2 billion DLNA-certified devices will be installed in consumers’ homes or pockets by 2014, as described in the Strategy Analytics Connected Home Devices service report, “DLNA is Poised to Break Through in 2010.”

“Strategy Analytics forecasts 59% growth in unit sales–to 200 million DLNA-certified devices in 2010–rising to nearly 1 billion devices sold in 2014,” said Peter King, the Connected Home Devices Service Director. “There are two key factors driving growth and global recognition at this time:

  • The involvement of the Service Provider community which wants to provide whole-home services and cut support costs, and
  • A software certification initiative, included as of 2010, which will enable legacy non-certified devices into the DLNA ecosystem within the home.”

King added, “DLNA progress still has many challenges, but it will be a huge step closer to empowering an interoperable network of CE, PC and mobile devices for use in and beyond the home if the work-in-progress project to protect premium content as it moves into multiple devices within the home comes to a successful conclusion.”