MOVL Connect Platform™ Launches, Connecting Smart TVs with Mobile Devices

Wednesday, October 12th, 2011

New tool for software developers lets them create convergent apps that bring together Smart TV’s and smart phones or tablets.

ATLANTA, GA — In a move that will accelerate the convergence of TV’s and mobile devices, the technology innovators at MOVL are announcing the official public release of their patented MOVL Connect Platform™ today at the Game Developers Conference Online in Austin, Texas. The MOVL Connect Platform™ gives developers the tools necessary to create apps that can link SmartTVs and mobile devices. The MOVL Connect Platform™ allows various devices to communicate in a shared experience and supports the creation of multi-user, multi-screen applications such as multiplayer games, second-screen TV experiences and interactive advertising.

MOVL’s technology earned its laurels at last year’s “Free the TV Challenge” contest by Samsung when their WeDraw, a two-screen drawing and guessing application, took home the grand prize. This year, Samsung has leveraged the MOVL Connect Platform™ as a tool that provides multi-device connection capability to contestants. Samsung is offering $225,000 in cash and prizes for the most innovative “converged applications.”

“Some of the multi-screen applications that developers are creating on our platform have simply blown us away” said Juan Pablo Gnecco, CEO of MOVL. “We have seen ideas ranging from basic living-room interactive games, and second screen TV viewing experiences, to restaurant trivia networks and even in-stadium interaction with a team’s JumboTron!”

There are two ways developers can utilize the MOVL Connect Platform™:

  • Direct Connect: Devices are connected locally for low latency games and applications.
  • Cloud Connect: Devices are connected using MOVL Connect’s cloud infrastructure.

Since the platform is a cloud-based service, developers are free from the worry of having to provide dedicated servers and bandwidth to keep the connections flowing. MOVL Connect™ is built to handle any number of users interacting with the system at the same time.

“We have created a simple process for developers,” said Alan Queen, CTO of MOVL. “Download the APIs, get an app key, and you are ready to go. Your applications in different devices are now connected. We currently support Samsung Smart TVs, Google TV, HTML 5, Facebook, iOS, Android, Flash and JavaScript, with many more coming soon.”