Global Mediacom To Launch DVB-H Mobile TV in Jakarta

Thursday, April 16th, 2009

JAKARTA — Through subsidiaries, Tren Mobile TV (Consortium Tren Mobile TV), will soon hold the mobile TV service. Currently, Tren is exploring collaboration with the mobile phone manufacturer, following a pilot implementation in the area of Central Jakarta. “The coverage of the initial phase of broadcasting will be implemented in the area of Central Jakarta with the powerless 500watt transmitter (digital) will be increased between 1.2 – 3 Kilowatt,” said Haris, as a spokesperson and Program Consortium Trends Mobile TV.

In addition, the Mobile TV trials have on air since the Consortium obtained permission from the testing organization, Depkominfo, on 20 February 2009. The consortium as a pilot project covering stations RCTI, TPI, Global TV, and Infokom. For testing the system in the DVB-H consortium provides handheld DHD-250 H form of premium-class mobile phones distributed to the public. At the trial held by Depkominfo, the Consortium on technical aspects, business models, market response and regulation. “Thus, there is no certainty about the principle of consent. When the results of testing positive, we will apply as a follow-IPP Commercial pilot license that has been published,” He said.

The Consortium estimated that mobile TV service in Indonesia has good prospects. It may be seen from the number of mobile phone users in Indonesia is very large and generally like to absorb the technology, program, and new features offered.