TEGNA renews with Nielsen for Local TV markets
Tuesday, January 5th, 2021Nielsen Renews Multi-Year Agreement With TEGNA For Local TV Ratings And Insights Services
- Provides Measurement of Digital Linear Audiences Across All TEGNA Markets
NEW YORK — Nielsen (NYSE: NLSN) today announced a multi-year renewal agreement with TEGNA Inc. (NYSE: TGNA) a local news leader with 64 stations in 51 markets. Under the terms of the agreement, Nielsen will provide local television ratings service for 34 TEGNA local markets with all existing services renewed for these markets and/or extended including Nielsen Arianna, NLTV, Digital in TV Ratings (DTVR), Grabix, Rhiza and Nielsen Scarborough.
Nielsen’s industry leading Local TV measurement includes traditional cable, satellite and over-the-air (OTA) viewers, as well as the fast-growing number of viewers who access linear streams of broadcast content through virtual providers. The combination of Nielsen’s Local TV panels plus return path data empowers TEGNA’s customers to activate and measure local media buys with confidence. Nielsen reports viewing across devices and is the only measurement company to provide direct persons measurement, inclusive of incremental out-of-home (OOH) audiences in select markets via Nielsen’s proprietary Portable People Meter (PPM).
“We are pleased to continue our relationship with Nielsen as a trusted business partner in 34 of our local markets,” said Larry Delia, Senior Vice President, Media Operations, TEGNA. “Nielsen’s suite of data, products, and insights have a major impact on our business in these markets, and we look forward to working with them over the next several years.”
With this new agreement, TEGNA stations will continue to utilize a comprehensive suite of Nielsen data to demonstrate value to advertisers. In addition, the solutions included as part of the agreement offer a broader look at consumer viewing habits across key markets and geographies as well as key audience and demographic characteristics.
“TEGNA is a leader in the local broadcast industry,” said Catherine Herkovic, EVP and Managing Director, Nielsen Local. “We are delighted to provide continued support to 34 TEGNA markets with measurement services. As part of our client commitment, we will work alongside TEGNA to ensure that each local station has the tools they need to deliver on their business objectives with access to valuable local audiences.”
Nielsen recently completed a major transformation of its local measurement methodology combining advanced meter technology and big data with people-powered panels into its local TV measurement service. This provides more comprehensive measurement to clients. The launch of new currency measurement marked the capstone of a comprehensive overhaul across 208 local markets.
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