Magyar Telekom adds 20,424 TV subscribers in 3Q 2021

Tuesday, November 9th, 2021 
Magyar Telekom logo

BUDAPEST — Magyar Telekom (Reuters: MTEL.BU and Bloomberg: MTELEKOM HB, hereinafter: Company), the leading Hungarian telecommunications service provider, today reported its consolidated financial results for the third quarter and first nine months of 2021, in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as endorsed by the EU (hereinafter: quarterly financial report).

The MT-Hungary segment operates in Hungary, providing mobile and fixed line telecommunications, TV distribution, information communication and system integration services to millions of residential and business customers under the Telekom and T-Systems brands.

The North Macedonia segment is responsible for the Group’s full-scale mobile and fixed line telecommunications operations in North Macedonia.

TV revenue was up 8.0% year-on-year to HUF 14.2 billion in Q3 2021, primarily driven by further expansion of the IPTV subscriber base in both countries.

Summary of key operating statistics

                                                                          2020                             2021
                                    ------------------------------------------  -------------------------------
                                           Q1         Q2         Q3         Q4         Q1         Q2         Q3
                                    ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
 TV services
  Number of cable TV customers        103,081    103,643    103,795    100,574     99,299     99,367     98,267
  Number of satellite TV customers    231,912    225,856    218,122    212,004    204,277    198,985    191,749
  Number of IPTV customers            844,401    861,794    893,564    925,684    952,585    969,573    997,857
                                    ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
 Total TV customers                 1,179,394  1,191,293  1,215,481  1,238,262  1,256,161  1,267,925  1,287,873
 Blended TV ARPU (HUF)                  3,274      3,292      3,288      3,296      3,323      3,338      3,364

 Number of IPTV customers             137,368    138,034    140,137    142,495    143,328    144,499    144,975

Links: Magyar Telekom