Afghanistan issues digital broadcasting network licence to ACG
Wednesday, August 21st, 2013
MCIT issues Digital Broadcasting Network License to ACG Company
Afghanistan’s Ministry of Communications & Information Technology (MCIT) signed the contract of changing the existing analogue TV system to Digital TV system with ACG company in a press conference, which held in MCIT’s conference room on Wednesday 21st August 2013. The event was attended by H. E Amirzai Sangin, board of directors of MCIT, representatives from Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Commerce and Mass media.
As it is clear, TV programs are currently broadcasted by Analogue System in Afghanistan. The telecom technology has developed in the world now and many countries utilize DTV technology in order to broadcast TV services. Taking in to account telecom technology developments. ITU held a conference in 2006 on realizing frequency utilization efficiency and enhancement of broadcast QoS. As a result, the member states agreed on migration process from Analogue to Digital by 15 July 2015. As per recommendations of the ITU, some of the world countries have implemented the migration process from Analogue to Digital and some of other member states are implementing the related process.
Minister of Communication & IT H.E Amirzai Sangin said:” subjected to recommendations of the ITU, MCIT proposed the issue on migration process from Analogue to Digital to the President’s office on establishing of DTTV network. Accordingly, Ministers’ Council of the IRoA required Ministry of Communications & IT to launch and implement DTTV network in the country based on the approval no (33), dated 22/08/1391 of the mentioned council. MCIT organized three consultancy meetings with the existing TV stations and received their comments and consents for better regulation of the process on establishing of DTTV network. MCIT/ATRA released the tender regarding issuing of DTTV network license on 10th April 2013, coinciding 10 Hamal of 1392. As a result of bidding process, Ariana TV, ACG, Liwal Company and Noorin TV submitted their offers to Afghanistan Telecommunication Regulatory Authority (ATRA). The opening and evaluation committee, consisting of representative from the Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Commerce and Ministry of Finance, evaluated the four received offers and consequently ACG was recognized as a winner of this process, having submitted proper offer”.
Minister Sangin also mentioned the advantage of Digital TV which are below:
- One frequency for Analogue TV is suffiecient for 15 Digital TV standard channels.
- Digital TV system has high definition sound and picture.
- By establishing DTTV network, TV programs are accessible in all areas of the country.
- It needs less investment to establish DTTV system for covering the whole country.
- DTTV network has variety of services and programs as well.
At the end H.E Minister Sangin added that by issuing DTTV network license, Kabul city will be covered within six months, 1st grad provinces and the districts located on their route will be covered within one year, 2nd grade province and the districts located on their route will be covered within two years,3rd grade provinces and the districts located on their route will be covered within three years and remaining districts will be covered within 4 or 5 years by DTTV services.
It is expected that all people of the country witness a universal network and have access to high definition Digital TV broadcasts and services across the country.
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