StarHub Entertainment subscribers down 8,000 in 1Q2024

Tuesday, May 14th, 2024 
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SINGAPORE — StarHub reported results for the period ended 31 March 2024.

Entertainment segment


  • The total Entertainment subscriber base decreased QoQ and YoY due to cessation of certain promotions relating to the expiry of OTT passes
  • The average monthly churn rate declined YoY to 0.9% in 1Q2024 (4Q2023: 1.1%; 1Q2023: 0.8%)


  • ARPU grew 6.1% YoY in 1Q2024, mainly lifted by higher ARPU achieved through cross- and up-selling of bundled plans
  • ARPU declined QoQ by 0.4% mainlyn in the absence of one-off Cricket World Cup revenue recorded in 4Q2023


  • Entertainment revenue declinedYoY in 1Q2024 mainly due to the decline in subscriber base
                 1Q 2023  4Q 2023  1Q 2024
                 -------  -------  -------
ARPU                 $43      $46      $45
Subscribers (k)      368      337      329
Revenue (S$M)       57.1              54.7

Links: StarHub