Oregan™ releases hybrid media browser combining digital terrestrial and over the top video capabilities
Wednesday, August 24th, 2011
New STB software version delivers a convergence stack for the emerging DVB-T and ISDB-T markets in Latin America and Asia; Demonstrations on low cost silicon platforms will be held at IBC 2011
LONDON, UK — Oregan Networks, the leading developer of Internet TV receiver technologies, has launched a new hybrid version 4.2 of its software, which delivers Broadcast and Internet Protocol media functionalities in a single software stack. The company has implemented variants for the Latin American, European and Asian markets that have adopted the DVB-T or ISDB-T digital broadcast standards on their paths towards the digital switchover.
As part of its multi-regional hybrid solution for telecom and broadcast operators, Oregan has emphasised the specific requirements of the emerging Broadband and PayTV markets in Latin America, based on the trend for the ISDB-T standard, adopted by the majority of countries in the region, including Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Peru, to become the second most widely spread Digital TV standard.
The Latin American version of Oregan Media Browser provides a blueprint of essential building blocks for delivery of content over broadband and broadcast networks in the region, namely:
- Adaptive bitrate internet streaming capability, allowing network operators to address bandwidth-constrained and peak usage network conditions;
- Broadcast receiver module, supporting ISDB-T International, also known as SBTVD, for either Free-To-Air (FTA) or Conditional Access System (CAS) protected broadcast video;
- TR-069 and TR-135 module, enabling bidirectional monitoring and control of the Set Top Box, providing essential QoS information related to the performance of the STB as well as monitoring WAN, LAN and Broadcast network status;
- Home media networking functions, enabling DLNA 1.5 based photo, music and video sharing;
- End-to-end server and client solution for Remote Upgrade and management of STBs in the field, featuring security and group management capabilities.
- Digital Rights Managements (DRM) and Conditional Access System (CAS) implementations, facilitating studio-approved levels of content protection.
Oregan’s ISDB-T stack is designed to the SBTVD specifications, also known as ISDB-T International, and has been field proven with broadcasts across countries in Latin America, including Argentina, Chile, and Brazil where is has also successfully passed the certification by ANATEL (Agência Nacional de Telecomunicações), the Brazilian telecoms regulator.
Mark G Perry, Oregan’s CEO said, “A recent wave of adoption that swept across Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Chile, Venezuela, Costa Rica and other countries preparing for the digital switchover, has clearly demonstrated the significance of ISDB-T, creating a homogenous and maturing market of scale that will facilitate economical price points for hybrid ISDB-T receivers. Oregan’s hybrid STB software stack offers telecom operators and manufacturers a rapid entry to the market, to keep pace with the global trend for browser-based content and media delivery across broadcast and IP domains”.
The DVB-T version for European and Asian markets, as well as Colombia and Panama is designed to meet D-Book and E-book certification requirements.
A demonstration of Oregan’s hybrid offering will be staged at IBC 2011 Exhibition, held in Amsterdam on September 9th-13th. Please email info@oregan.net if you would like to organise a demonstration meeting.
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