Brazil adds 513,000 pay TV subscribers in 2Q 2014

Tuesday, July 29th, 2014
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According to Brazil’s Agência Nacional de Telecomunicações (Anatel), the country’s pay TV subscriber base ended June 2014 at 18.97 million, with 513 thousand new subscribers being added in the quarter and 2 million over the preceding 12 months.

In the quarter, satellite made the most progress, adding 325 thousand subscribers.

Anatel has now begun to include data on pay-TV subscriptions via Fibre to the Home (FTTH).

Pay TV subscribers by technology

                1Q          2Q          3Q          4Q
        ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
DTH     10,367,271  10,501,430  10,837,878  11,127,861
Cable    6,337,134   6,438,784   6,738,530   6,868,694
MMDS       101,289      33,758      15,907      19,747
Others       3,580          66       3,541       3,375
        ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
Total   16,809,274  16,974,038  17,595,856  18,019,677
 Adds      620,317     164,764     621,818     423,821

                          2014             Change               Change
        ----------------------            2Q 2014              2Q 2014
                1Q          2Q         v, 1Q 2014           v, 2Q 2013
        ----------  ----------  -----------------  -------------------
DTH     11,406,577  11,731,297  324,720    (2.8%)  1,229,867   (11.7%)
Cable    6,981,876   7,159,588  177,712    (2.5%)    720,804   (11.2%)
MMDS        15,298      12,799   -2,499  (-16.3%)    -20,959  (-62.1%)
Others       3,679       3,389     -290   (-7.9%)      3,323 (5034.8%)
FTTH        47,927      61,491   13,564   (28.3%)          -         -
        ----------  ----------  -----------------  -------------------
Total   18,455,357  18,968,564  513,207    (2.8%)  1,933,035* (11.4%)*
 Adds     387,753*     513,207

Pay TV subscribers by operator

Company                        1Q 2014*     2Q 2014
---------------------------  ----------  ----------
Telmex (Claro/Embratel/NET)   9,875,385  10,105,578
Sky/DIRECTV                   5,480,346   5,616,713
Oi                              828,276     886,554
Vivendi (GVT)                   752,965     799,311
Telefônica                      596,832     687,810
Big Brasil (Viacabo)            159,737     159,195
Algar (CTBC Telecom)            135,146     133,282
NossaTV                         108,422     113,748
Cabo Serviços                    48,186      49,316
Prefeitura de Londrina/Copel     12,407           -
Others                          409,728     417,057
---------------------------  ----------  ----------
TOTAL                        18,407,430  18,968,564

* Excluding FTTH