SERAPHIC upgrades TV browser with HbbTV 2.0.3 support

Wednesday, July 28th, 2021 

SERAPHIC upgrades its TV browser solution to support the latest HbbTV 2.0.3 specification

SERAPHIC Information Technology, the global provider of Hybrid TV solutions and OTT monetization platforms, has announced that an upgraded Sraf® HbbTV solution compatible with the latest HbbTV 2.0.3 specification would be released soon.

HbbTV Association updated its core specification HbbTV 2.0.3, adding the latest W3C Media Source extensions, including MSE, Service Workers, HTTP/2, TLS1.3, and other features. It supports CMAF and low-latency DVB-DASH on streaming to better serve future OTT video applications.

SERAPHIC actively participated in the HbbTV Association Testing Event and worked closely with SoC vendors to jointly realize the test cases required by HbbTV 2.0.3.

SERAPHIC HbbTV solution fully supports the 2021-v1 test suite on the most widely used digital TV platform. It has an excellent performance in core HbbTV 2 functions such as ADI and Media synchronization, which fully meets and even exceeds the specification requirements. SERAPHIC enables HbbTV solution compatible with the test suite of the HbbTV Association on both Linux and Android platforms.

Commenting on the new release, Xinwen Xue, VP product management at SERAPHIC, said: “Smart TV products embedded with the SERAPHIC HbbTV 2.0.3 solution will be introduced to the market in the second half of 2021 at the earliest. We are confident to follow the latest evolution of HbbTV technology and deliver the solutions that support the latest specifications, which is benefitical to increase the value of our clients and enlarge HbbTV footprint.”