Number of subscribers to Netgem's services reaches 470,000
Thursday, October 20th, 2022
Netgem (ISIN: FR0004154060, Reuters: ETGM.PA, Bloomberg: ALNTG FP) Trading Update
- 470,000 subscribers at the end of September 2022
- Target confirmed of half a million subscribers by the end of 2022
- The number of subscribers[1] to the group’s services increased by 60,000 new subscribers in the 3rd quarter to reach 470,000.
- The period was marked by the taking effect of the “content-as-a-service” ZeopTV+ contract with the eponymous operator in Réunion Island.
- The growth of the subscriber base will have a positive impact on the group’s financial aggregates with a continued improvement of results expected in the second half of the year.
PARIS — The total number of subscribers to the Group’s services reached 470,000 at the end of September 2022, a growth rate of more than 40% over 12 months. Netgem confirms its target of half a million subscribers by the end of 2022.
The Group continues to execute on its growth strategy in the connected entertainment market, both in B2B and B2B2C mode:
- In the United Kingdom, the deployment of TalkTalk TV 4K powered by Netgem continues, with a continuous improvement of the content line-up. The group launched 90 new FAST Channels. Three new ISPs were or will be launched over the second half of the year.
- In the Nordic region, deliveries to the Finnish operator Elisa will remain strong and, given the success of the Premium Elisa Viidhe offer, Netgem expects this growth to continue in 2023.
- In France, the Group has taken over the management of the content and subscribers of its Reunionese client Zeop since October 1, 2022.
For Mathias Hautefort, CEO of Netgem, “Our Content-as-a-service strategy is paying off. The continued growth of our subscriber base will have a positive effect on the group’s turnover and also on the results of the current year. This strategy is carried out in accordance with the responsible growth objectives the Group has set for itself.”
The Netgem group aims to be a partner of operators and media publishers to make their content services more efficient, not only from a technological and economic point of view, but also from an environmental and energy point of view. Netgem’s “Responsible Streaming” option has been extended to all of its OTT services, allowing each and every end user to limit their bandwidth consumption.
Gaïa Research, an independent agency specializing in rating the ESG performance of European listed companies, has assessed the group’s extra-financial performance. Based on the 2021 financial year, the Netgem group has obtained an overall score of 68/100, a significant improvement compared to the score of the previous financial year of 49/100, it is also above the average score for the reference sector of 54/100. This bears witness to the continuous improvement process initiated by the teams of the Netgem group.
In addition, the Banque de France has significantly upped its rating of the group, which now stands at Forte++.
1. Includes any end-user subscriber of the services of the Netgem platform, subject to invoicing, either indirectly (B2B and B2B2C modes) which is the main axis of development of the group, or directly (B2C mode).
Links: Netgem
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