Digital TV News: TVision Insights launches dedicated system for tracking CTV ad consumption
Jan 9, 2024 – has announced the launch of a dedicated streaming measurement offering and suite of metrics that enable advertisers and publishers to track audience consumption of CTV advertising.
News categories:, Sean Muller, Advertising, CES2024, Digital TV, Streaming, Worldwide

Vevo partners with TVision to track video content engagement
Jan 29, 2020 – Vevo has partnered with TVision to understand how viewers engage with its content. TVision’s data identifies how long viewers stay engaged with videos, viewer demographics, and how viewers watch videos - including co-viewing and bingeing.
News categories: TVision Insights, Vevo, Luke McGuinness, Bryon Schafer, Advertising, Big Data, Digital TV, Streaming, Worldwide

TVision Insights and Data Plus Math tie TV attention data to outcomes
Mar 26, 2018 – TVision Insights has announced a partnership with Data Plus Math. The two companies are marrying attention and outcome data for clients in order to understand where target audiences are paying attention, and how targeting plus attention leads to sales.
News categories: TVision Insights, Data Plus Math, Dan Schiffman, John Hoctor, Tim Hanlon, Advertising, Big Data, Digital TV, USA

TVision Insights unveils Quarterly Attention Report for TV and OTT
Mar 21, 2017 – TVision Insights has released its inaugural Quarterly Attention Report. The report showcases U.S. TV and OTT attention data across demographics, commercials, and programming, covering October 1 – December 31 2016.
News categories: TVision Insights, Pre-Meditated Media, Dan Schiffman, Gerard Broussard, Advertising, Digital TV, Market Research, Streaming, USA