Digital TV News: iSAT Africa

iSat Africa takes capacity on Yamal-402 satellite for Central Africa
Sep 22, 2014 – Gazprom Space Systems (GSS) has announced that iSAT Africa, a subsidiary of Wananchi, has contracted to use capacity on its Yamal-402 satellite for the provision of services in the Democratic Republic of Congo and other Central African countries.
News categories: Gazprom Space Systems, iSAT Africa, Dmitriy Sevastiyanov, Santosh Sakpal, Africa, Content Distribution, DRC, Satellite

iSAT Africa partners with Eutelsat for FTA broadcasting in Kenya and East Africa
Sep 12, 2014 – iSAT Africa has selected Eutelsat (Paris:ETL) for free-to-air delivery of African and international digital channels in Kenya and across East Africa in order to accelerate the move towards a fully digital broadcasting environment in the region.
News categories: Eutelsat, iSAT Africa, Rakesh Kukreja, Michel Azibert, Africa, Content Distribution, Digital TV, IBC2024, Kenya, Satellite