Pixalate releases Q3 2023 CTV SSP market share reports

Monday, November 6th, 2023 
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Pixalate’s Q3 2023 CTV Supply-Side Platform (SSP) Market Share Report: Magnite, FreeWheel No. 1 CTV SSPs in North America

  • Equativ has emerged as the top CTV SSP in LATAM, taking the lead on Amazon Fire TV, Samsung Smart TV, Roku, and tvOS

LONDON, UK — Pixalate, the market-leading fraud protection, privacy, and compliance analytics platform for Connected TV (CTV) and Mobile Advertising, today released the Q3 2023 CTV Supply Side Platform (SSP) Market Share Reports for Apple TV, Roku, Samsung TV, and Amazon Fire TV. Pixalate’s research team evaluated programmatic advertising Sell-Side Platforms (SSPs) by their estimated market share for CTV platforms, analyzing advertising data and billions of open programmatic impressions from multiple sources – including DSPs, SSPs, exchanges, and publishers – while filtering out impressions marked as Invalid Traffic (IVT) data. The rankings are broken down by geographical regions (North America, EMEA, LATAM).

Key Findings: CTV SSPs Market Share Report

  • Magnite and FreeWheel were the leading CTV SSPs in North America
  • Equativ tops the LATAM charts on every available platform
  • Magnite and FreeWheel account for 50%+ of North America’s CTV SSP market share
    • Magnite dominates the charts on all CTV platforms in North America except Apple TV: Amazon Fire TV (50%), Roku (40%), Samsung TV (39%) and Apple TV (19%)
    • FreeWheel has remained the second-most popular SSP for most of the North American CTV market: Amazon Fire TV (14%), Roku (16%), and Samsung TV (10%), and led on Apple TV (31%)
  • With 55%, Magnite expanded its regional lead in EMEA on Samsung TV from 41% in Q2 2023
  • Equativ saw major breakthroughs in LATAM, emerging as the dominant CTV SSP for the first time, moving ahead of Magnite and Google AdExchange compared to Q2 2023
  • Magnite led the APAC region with 29% on Apple TV and 34% on Amazon Fire TV

Download the full reports to see the top CTV SSPs for Amazon Fire TV, Roku, Samsung TV, and Apple TV in Q3 2023.


The content of this press release, and the SSP Market Share Report (the “Report”), reflect Pixalate’s opinions with respect to factors that Pixalate believes may be useful to the digital media industry. Pixalate’s opinions are just that, opinions, which means that they are neither facts nor guarantees. Pixalate is sharing this data not to impugn the standing or reputation of any entity, person or app, but, instead, to report findings and trends pertaining to programmatic advertising activity in the time period studied. Programmatic ads sold, as measured by Pixalate, are used as a proxy for ad spend in this press release and in the Report.

Links: Pixalate