Digital TV News: Nintendo

PS3 Passes Xbox 360 in Global Active Devices
Mar 31, 2011 – Sony's PS3 games console passed Microsoft's Xbox 360 to become the number two TV console worldwide by the end of 2010, according to the latest research published by Strategy Analytics. Nintendo's Wii remained the number one global TV console.
News categories: Strategy Analytics, Gaming, Market Research

Samsung Leading in Flat-Panel TVs and Nintendo for Gaming in Race for Connected Home Dominance
Mar 16, 2011 – The latest release of ABI Research's 'Connected Home Devices Market Data' shows that for the category of flat-panel TVs (including LCD, LED and plasma) Samsung held the largest market share of almost 20% in the first three quarters of 2010.
News categories: ABI Research, Gaming, Market Research, Smart TV, Streaming

The time for 3D is here and now
Jan 11, 2011 – 2010 has proved the year of 3D, as eight out of the top 20 highest revenue making films at the box office had a 3D version compared to only 3 films in 2009. According to PwC, by 2015 over 15 per cent of all films will be produced in 3D.
News categories: PwC, Blu-ray, Market Research, Metaverse, Smart TV

3D-Enabled Handheld Game Consoles to Surpass 11 Million Units in 2014
Jan 10, 2011 – Nintendo plans to release its first 3D-enabled handheld game console, dubbed the 3DS, in the first half of 2011. In-Stat says that this will be the beginning of what will lead to over 11 million unit shipments of 3D-enabled handheld game consoles by 2014.
News categories: In-Stat, Gaming, Market Research, Metaverse, Mobile

3DTVs shipping faster than HDTV
Nov 30, 2010 – The retail performance of 3D hardware for the home has been developing at a healthy pace. Year one adoption of 3DTV is running at a far quicker rate in most territories than it did for high definition, according Futuresource Consulting.
News categories: Futuresource, Market Research, Metaverse, Smart TV

Netflix Launches Canadian Service for Streaming Movies and TV Episodes Over the Internet
Sep 22, 2010 – Netflix (Nasdaq: NFLX) has announced the first availability of its service outside the United States, with an offering that allows Canadians to instantly watch unlimited movies and TV episodes streamed from Netflix to TVs and computers.
News categories: Netflix, Blu-ray, Canada, Gaming, Set Top Box, Smart TV, Streaming, Tablet

Nintendo Introduces Glasses-Free 3D Gaming
Jun 15, 2010 – At the E3 Expo, Nintendo (Tokyo:7974) gave the world the first look at a portable system that lets people view games in 3D, without the need for special glasses.
News categories: Nintendo, Gaming, Metaverse

BBC iPlayer breaks new record of 100 million requests
Jan 14, 2010 – New figures show that BBC iPlayer reached a new landmark, as the on-demand service broke 100 million requests for programmes in a month for the first time. One-in-eight requests for TV programmes are now coming from a games console.
News categories: BBC iPlayer, Digital TV, Gaming, Market Research, Streaming, UK

Movies, TV Episodes Streamed Instantly from Netflix Headed to Nintendo's Wii Console This Spring
Jan 13, 2010 – Nintendo and Netflix (Nasdaq:NFLX) have announced an agreement that will allow Netflix members who are also owners of Nintendo's Wii™ home console to instantly watch thousands of movies and TV episodes streamed from Netflix directly to their TVs.
News categories: Netflix, Nintendo, Digital TV, Gaming, Streaming, USA