Digital TV News: Cox Media Group

Amagi selected as Lionsgate's FAST playout and delivery partner
Jun 25, 2024 – Lionsgate has chosen Amagi to be its partner for FAST playout and delivery, leveraging Amagi's cloud technology to scale Lionsgate's content distribution capabilities globally.
News categories: Amagi, Lionsgate, Srinivasan KA, Chase Brisbin, Content Distribution, Digital TV, Streaming, Worldwide

Amagi report shows rise of a diverse global FAST marketplace
Apr 30, 2024 – Amagi has announced that the 11th edition of the Amagi Global FAST Report continues to show double-digit growth for the global FAST industry over the last year.
News categories: Amagi, CRG Global, Srinivasan KA, Gavin Bridge, Digital TV, Market Research, Streaming, Worldwide

Amagi FAST report unveils 28% rise in global ad impressions
Jan 24, 2024 – Amagi's latest FAST report, comparing Q3 2022 to Q3 2023 and Q4 2022 to Q4 2023, has found consistent growth in ad impressions within the market, with increases of 15% in Q3 and 28% in Q4.
News categories: Amagi, Srinivasan KA, Gavin Bridge, Advertising, Digital TV, Market Research, Streaming, Worldwide

Amagi powers CTV distribution of live events for MTRSPT1
Nov 16, 2023 – Amagi is partnering with Krave Media to power its motorsports channel, MTRSPT1, for distribution of live events to CTV platforms such as Sling, LG Europe, Xiaomi, Samsung Australia and others.
News categories: Amagi, Krave Media, MTRSPT1, Srinivasan KA, John Duff, Content Distribution, Digital TV, Streaming, Worldwide

Amagi and AD Digital support launch of TV Aparecida FAST channel
Nov 7, 2023 – Amagi has announced that TV Aparecida has launched its first FAST channel with the support of Amagi's infrastructure and AD Digital's expert system integration services.
News categories: Amagi, AD Digital, TV Aparecida, Ronaldo Dias, Daniela Souza, Hugo Nascimento, Milene Marques, Tassiana Moreira, Brazil, Content Distribution, Digital TV, Smart TV, Streaming

Brazil and Mexico outpace U.S. in CTV adoption
Aug 17, 2023 – The latest edition of Amagi's Quarterly Global FAST Report reveals a surge in CTV adoption rates in Brazil (94%) and Mexico (93%), outpacing the U.S. where adoption is at 80.6%.
News categories: Amagi, Baskar Subramanian, Digital TV, Latin America, Market Research, Streaming, Worldwide

Newco to launch FAST channels in Brazil with Amagi and AD Digital
Aug 11, 2023 – Amagi and AD Digital have partnered with Newco to launch and distribute Newco's FAST channels. The channels – New Brasil and Empreender – will launch on Samsung TV Plus' TVP Brazil platform.
News categories: Amagi, AD Digital, Newco, Srinivasan KA, Daniela Souza, Paulo Saad, Brazil, Content Distribution, Digital TV, Streaming

SBT launches FAST channel with Amagi and AD Digital
Aug 7, 2023 – Amagi has announced that Sistema Brasileiro de Televisão (SBT) has partnered with Amagi and AD Digital to launch, distribute and monetize its first FAST channel, TV Zyn.
News categories: Amagi, AD Digital, SBT, Brazil, Content Distribution, Digital TV, Streaming

Brightcove to power video streaming for Yahoo Inc.
Jul 31, 2023 – Yahoo is to integrate Brightcove's (NASDAQ: BCOV) technology platform across its portfolio of digital properties, powering the media and tech company's video streaming from end to end.
News categories: Brightcove, Yahoo Inc, Marc DeBevoise, Matt Sanchez, Content Distribution, Digital TV, Streaming, Worldwide