Digital TV News: Open Connectivity Foundation

Open Connectivity Foundation introduces Smart Home standard
Jan 2, 2020 – The Open Connectivity Foundation (OCF) has announced that products from BSC Computer, COMMAX, Haier, LG Electronics, Resideo, Samsung and SURE Universal will be showcased in completely interoperable smart home demonstrations at a press event in Las Vegas on January 6, 2020.
News categories: Open Connectivity Foundation, Viktor Ariel, Jörg Hofmann, Woo Seok Byun, Guohuo Chen, I.P. Park, Scott Harkins, CES2025, Smart Home, Worldwide

Skyworth Digital and SURE Universal turn the STB into a Smart Home gateway
Sep 13, 2018 – Skyworth Digital and SURE Universal have announced a Smart Home IoT solution for Operators. The collaboration between the two companies transforms standard set-top box hardware into a comprehensive Smart Home solution.
News categories: Skyworth, SURE Universal, Charlie Zheng, Viktor Ariel, Digital TV, IBCShow, Middleware, Set Top Box, Smart Home, Worldwide

Comcast previews whole-home networking solution at CES2017
Jan 4, 2017 – At CES, Comcast has previewed a new, whole-home networking solution that will provide customers with a simple, fast and intuitive way to control and manage their Digital Home and the devices connected to it.
News categories: Comcast, Chris Satchell, Cable TV, CES2025, CPE, Smart Home, USA

AllSeen Alliance and Open Connectivity Foundation to merge
Oct 10, 2016 – The Open Connectivity Foundation (OCF), sponsor of the IoTivity open source project, and AllSeen Alliance, which provides the AllJoyn open source IoT framework, have announced that the two organizations are to merge.
News categories: Open Connectivity Foundation, AllSeen Alliance, Mike Richmond, Danny Lousberg, MandA, Smart Home, Worldwide