Digital TV News: Scalstrm

Scalstrm and EZDRM partner on video content security
Apr 30, 2024 – Scalstrm and EZDRM have announced a partnership combining Scalstrm's video streaming technology with EZDRM's DRMaaS solutions, creating a secure end-to-end video delivery ecosystem.
News categories: EZDRM, Scalstrm, Olga Kornienko, Ola Bengtsson, Content Distribution, Digital TV, DRM, Streaming, Worldwide

Verimatrix and Scalstrm partner on live streaming protection
Sep 14, 2023 – Verimatrix (Paris: VMX) has teamed up with Scalstrm to offer live video content protection through the integration of Verimatrix' Streamkeeper Multi-DRM with Scalstrm’s Origin and CDN services.
News categories: Verimatrix, Scalstrm, Sofia Regojo, Erik Svennemar, Content Distribution, Content Protection, Digital TV, IBC2024, Streaming, Worldwide