Digital TV News: Virtual Reality Industry Forum

VR Industry Forum to publish industry guidelines at CES
Dec 14, 2017 – The Virtual Reality Industry Forum (VRIF) has announced the general availability of its first set of VR Industry Guidelines, which includes topics relevant for VR content production, distribution, security and consumption.
News categories: Virtual Reality Industry Forum, Rob Koenen, Christian Egeler, CES2024, Metaverse, Worldwide

VR Industry Forum to present draft industry guidelines at IBC 2017
Sep 13, 2017 – The Virtual Reality Industry Forum (VRIF) has announced that it will be presenting a draft of its guidelines at IBC 2017. The guidelines will be discussed by VRIF at a session co-hosted by the DASH Industry Forum (DASH-IF) at the RAI in Amsterdam.
News categories: Virtual Reality Industry Forum, Paul Higgs, Rob Koenen, Digital TV, IBC2024, Metaverse, Worldwide

Sky, Ericsson and Tiledmedia showcase VR for live sports at IBC 2017
Sep 8, 2017 – Three members of the Virtual Reality Industry Forum (VRIF) – Sky, Ericsson and Tiledmedia – will showcase a real application of Virtual Reality (360 video) synced with live sports at this year’s IBC Show.
News categories: Ericsson, Sky, Tiledmedia, Europe, IBC2024, Metaverse, Worldwide

Industry forum formed to boost VR adoption
Jan 5, 2017 – At CES, 28 companies announced the Virtual Reality Industry Forum (VRIF), a not-for-profit company with its purpose stated as: “To further the widespread availability of high-quality audiovisual VR experiences, for the benefit of consumers.”
News categories: Virtual Reality Industry Forum, David Price, Chris Johns, CES2024, Digital TV, Metaverse, Worldwide