Digital TV News: Oscar Teran

ATEME and Eurovision Services run BISS-CA watermarking trial
Jul 18, 2019 – ATEME and Eurovision Services ran a watermarking trial during a recent international football event in Paris. The proof of concept used BISS-CA, an enhanced, secured standard of the BISS protocol, to help broadcasters in the fight against piracy during the event.
News categories: ATEME, Eurovision Services, Julien Mandel, Oscar Teran, Content Protection, Digital TV, France, Watermarking, Worldwide

EBU publishes royalty-free CA standard for live content streams
Apr 6, 2018 – The EBU has published a new protocol, developed in close collaboration with network equipment vendors ATEME and NEVION, which makes it a lot easier for media rights holders to grant clients access to live video content.
News categories: European Broadcasting Union, Adi Kouadio, Dr Hans Hoffmann, Oscar Teran, Conditional Access, Digital TV, IBCShow, NABShow, Streaming, Worldwide