Digital TV News: Rokid

AR/VR headset market forecast to decline 8.3% in 2023
Dec 20, 2023 – Worldwide shipments of AR/VR headsets are expected to decline 8.3% year over year to 8.1 million units in 2023, despite the launch of new headsets during the year, according to IDC.
News categories: IDC, Jitesh Ubrani, Ramon T. Llamas, Digital TV, Market Research, Metaverse, Worldwide

Rokid shows portable Android TV device for AR glasses at IBC
Sep 15, 2023 – Rokid has showcased its Rokid Station Android TV device at IBC 2023. Developed with HiMedia, the Rokid Station works with AR glasses to enable portable cinematic experiences anytime, anywhere.
News categories: Rokid, Hui Du, Android TV, Digital TV, IBC2024, Metaverse, Streaming, Worldwide