Digital TV News: LIWEST

LIWEST latest Austrian operator to deploy IPTV with Verimatrix and Ocilion
Sep 17, 2019 – LIWEST Kabelmedien has deployed Ocilion’s IPTV solutions integrated with Verimatrix (Paris: VMX) security. LIWEST joins kabelplus and Salzburg AG as the third Austrian operator to leverage the combined strengths of the partner companies.
News categories: Verimatrix, Ocilion, LIWEST, Steve Oetegenn, Hans Kühberger, Philipp-Thomas Müller, Austria, Cable TV, Content Distribution, Content Protection, Digital TV, IBCShow, Set Top Box

Premiere Releases Q3 Subscriber Figures
Oct 2, 2008 – Premiere AG (PRE.XE) has disclosed EBITDA guidance for 2008 and released Q3 2008 subscriber numbers using a new classification. 940,000 that would have been included using the previous subscriber classification have been excluded.
News categories: Premiere AG, Austria, Digital TV, Germany, Results, Satellite, Subscribers