Digital TV News: Vision247

Vision247 XtremePlatform deployed by Al Majd for Arabic OTT service
May 17, 2017 – Vision247 has announced that its XtremePlatform has been chosen and deployed to power Al Majd’s OTT TV service, Hadif, for global Arabic communities. Vision247 partnered with CMT Technologies to deploy the new service.
News categories: Vision247, Al Majd, CMT Technologies, Tanya Vidmar, Eng. Ahmad Aloweid, Content Distribution, Digital TV, Middle-East, Streaming, Worldwide

Amino and Vision247 to deliver OTT multiscreen TV
Sep 2, 2014 – Amino and Vision247 have partnered to offer ISPs, telecommunications service providers and content aggregators a fully scalable platform that delivers an OTT multiscreen experience across mobile, online and TV screens.
News categories: Amino, Vision247, Donald McGarva, John Mills, Digital TV, IBCShow, Middleware, Mobile, Set Top Box, Streaming, Worldwide