Digital TV News: Michael Bologna

Disney adds interactive ad formats powered by Brightline and KERV
Jun 13, 2024 – Disney has added new interactive advertising formats including advergaming and shoppable CTV ads, powered by Brightline and KERV Interactive, respectively.
News categories: KERV, Brightline, Disney, Marika Roque, Michael Bologna, Jamie Power, Advertising, Digital TV, Streaming, USA, UX

DISH Media partners with BrightLine for interactive ads on Sling TV
Dec 12, 2023 – DISH Media has partnered with BrightLine to bring two new ad formats - In-Stream Interactive (scrollers, games and trivia) and Dynamic Addressable (creative tailored to the viewer's location) - to SLING TV.
News categories: DISH Media, BrightLine, Dave Antonelli, Michael Bologna, Advertising, Digital TV, Streaming, USA

BrightLine enables layering of branded moments into streamed content
Jul 13, 2023 – BrightLine has launched its Proteus Experience Engine, enabling streamers to overlay dynamic, interactive, and shoppable moments within content, outside of traditional ad pods.
News categories: BrightLine, Rob Aksman, Michael Bologna, Advertising, Digital TV, Streaming, Worldwide

Cross MediaWorks Launches one2one Media
Apr 3, 2017 – Cross MediaWorks has announced that it has launched one2one Media. This new company will provide a neutral and scalable addressable video business for agencies and advertisers, in partnership with MVPDs.
News categories: one2one Media, Cross MediaWorks, Lee Equity Partners, Michael Bologna, Jamie Power, Nick Troiano, Barry Baker, Advertising, Private Equity, USA