Digital TV News: Smart Adserver

Realytics and Smart build targeted TV advertising with Bouygues Telecom
Feb 3, 2022 – Bouygues Telecom, Realytics and Smart have launched TVMOTIK. Their alliance, with the solution it offers, will support TV channels in providing targeted advertising offers via Bouygues Telecom's home gateways.
News categories: Bouygues Telecom, Realytics, Smart Adserver, Renan Abgrall, Guillaume Belmas, Arnaud Créput, Advertising, Big Data, Digital TV, France, Gateway, IPTV

RMB displays personalised ads during Euro 2020 with Smart AdServer
Jul 13, 2021 – Smart has announced that Régie Média Belge (RMB) relied on its Smart AdServer solution to activate linear TV ad replacement on live streams for desktop and mobile apps during Euro 2020 ad breaks.
News categories: Smart AdServer, Régie Média Belge, Gerald Sauvageon, Valérie Janssens, Advertising, Belgium, Digital TV

Smart AdServer acquires CTV and video ad platform DynAdmic
Jun 30, 2021 – Smart AdServer has announced the acquisition of DynAdmic. DynAdmic's proprietary audio and video content recognition technology offers advertisers a unique cookie-free contextual targeting solution.
News categories: Smart AdServer, DynAdmic, Arnaud Creput, Stéphane Bonjean, Bruno Champion, Advertising, Digital TV, MandA, Streaming, Worldwide

Viaccess-Orca and Smart to launch targeted TV advertising solution
Sep 4, 2019 – At DMEXCO 2019 and IBC2019, Viaccess-Orca (VO) and Smart Adserver will introduce an end-to-end, targeted TV advertising solution. With the solution, service providers can generate revenues through data and inventory monetization.
News categories: Viaccess-Orca, Smart Adserver, Alain Nochimowski, Romain Job, Advertising, Big Data, Digital TV, IBC2024, Media Player, Worldwide