Digital TV News: Anupama Anantharaman

MySatGo taps Interra Systems for linear and OTT service monitoring
Mar 30, 2023 – Interra Systems has announced that MySatGo is using its ORION suite to monitor its linear and OTT services across all locations to ensure audio-video quality while receiving reports for its live and VOD channels.
News categories: Interra Systems, MySatGo, Anupama Anantharaman, Imad Alawawdeh, Australia, Canada, Digital TV, Middle-East, QoE

Interra Systems and BuyDRM integrate monitoring with DRM
Jul 8, 2020 – Interra Systems has integrated its ORION-OTT end-to-end monitoring platform with the KeyOS multi-DRM platform from BuyDRM. ORION-OTT is a monitoring platform for quality assurance of ABR streams.
News categories: BuyDRM, Interra Systems, Christopher Levy, Anupama Anantharaman, Content Distribution, Digital TV, DRM, QoE, Streaming, Worldwide

Interra and Skyline team up to improve quality of OTT services
May 5, 2020 – Interra Systems and Skyline Communications have announced an integration that gives broadcasters and OTT service providers a single, automated, end-to-end solution to efficiently manage OTT content workflow orchestration and quality alerts.
News categories: Interra Systems, Skyline Communications, Anupama Anantharaman, Steven Soenens, Digital TV, QoE, Streaming, Worldwide

Interra Systems QC platform now interoperable with AWS Media Services
Jan 24, 2018 – Interra Systems’ end-to-end QC and monitoring systems are now interoperable with AWS Media Services, enabling video providers to reliably deliver live and on-demand content to consumers using cloud technology.
News categories: Interra System, AWS Elemental, Anupama Anantharaman, Content Distribution, Digital TV, QoE, Worldwide

Interra Systems and Verimatrix partner to improve video QoS and QoE
Sep 15, 2017 – Interra Systems has announced a partnership with Verimatrix. Broadcasters, pay-TV, and OTT service providers can now use Interra Systems' ORION content monitoring suite to maintain QoE for content protected by the Verimatrix ViewRight Web security client.
News categories: Interra Systems, Verimatrix, Anupama Anantharaman, Petr Peterka, Content Protection, Digital TV, IBC2024, QoE, Worldwide