Digital TV News: FLO Forum

FLO Forum Adopts FLO-Enabled Device Testing & Certification Process Specification
Apr 20, 2009 – The FLO Forum has announced ballot approval of the FLO Device Certification Document. The document addresses testing and certification of FLO devices for organizations working with FLO-based mobile broadcast technology.
News categories: FLO Forum, Smart TV

European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) Approves Publication of FLO™ Air Interface Specification
Feb 16, 2009 – The FLO Forum is pleased to recognize the decision of the EBU / CENELEC / ETSI Joint Technical Committee (JTC) Broadcast to publish ETSI TS 102 589, 'Forward Link Only Air Interface; Specification for Terrestrial Mobile; Multimedia Multicast.'
News categories: FLO Forum, Mobile, Smart TV

Open Standardization of FLO Technology Continues With TIA Approval of Conditional Access Standard
Jun 26, 2008 – The FLO Forum has announced another step forward with the approval by the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) of the Forward Link Only Open Conditional Access (OpenCA) Specification.
News categories: FLO Forum, Conditional Access, Mobile, Smart TV

Qualcomm and Leading Conditional Access Solution Providers Collaborate on OpenCA Integration with MediaFLO Platform
Apr 14, 2008 – Qualcomm (Nasdaq: QCOM) has announced that the Company is working with Irdeto (JSE: NPN), Nagravision (SWX: KUD) and NDS (NASDAQ: NNDS) to integrate their Conditional Access (CA) solutions with the open MediaFLO™ mobile broadcast platform.
News categories: Qualcomm, Conditional Access, Digital TV, Mobile, NABShow, Smart TV

FLO Forum Announces OpenFLO Developments Bringing Multi-Vendor Interoperability Another Step Closer
Feb 20, 2008 – The FLO Forum has announced the completion of the FLO Receiver Application Programming Interface (API) Specification. The group also announced the completion of its Mobile TV Content & Services Specification.
News categories: FLO Forum, Digital TV, Middleware, Mobile, Smart TV

FLO™ Forum Completes Open Conditional Access Framework
Nov 6, 2007 – The FLO Forum has announced the completion of the Open Conditional Access (or OpenCA) Key Management System Framework, creating a standards-based environment that enables multiple vendors to implement content security systems within the FLO architecture.
News categories: FLO Forum, Conditional Access, Digital TV, Mobile, Smart TV

Newport Media Demonstrates MediaFLO Tuner, Demodulator, Protocol Stack and Video Decoder at IBC
Sep 7, 2007 – IBC2007 - Newport Media has announced that it is demonstrating live streaming TV using MediaFLO™ mobile TV technology on a FLO™ receiver platform developed by Newport Media.
News categories: Newport Media, PacketVideo, MediaFLO, IBC2024, Media Player, Middleware, Mobile, Semiconductor, Smart TV

FLO Forum Reacts to EU Communication on European Mobile TV
Jul 18, 2007 – The FLO Forum believes that the Communication's intention of favouring any one particular mobile TV technology for Europe could stall the advancement of a healthy European mobile TV eco-system.
News categories: FLO Forum, European Commission, Digital TV, Europe, Mobile, Smart TV

QUALCOMM and Siano Sign FLO Chip Agreement
Jun 18, 2007 – QUALCOMM (Nasdaq: QCOM) and Siano Mobile Silicon have announced that the companies have signed a royalty-free agreement that enables Siano to use QUALCOMM's patented technologies to produce chips that implement FLO™ technology.
News categories: Siano Mobile Silicon, QUALCOMM, Digital TV, Mobile, Patent, Semiconductor, Smart TV