Digital TV News: European Broadcasting Union

SMPTE releases engineering report on AI and the media
Feb 20, 2024 – SMPTE, in conjunction with the EBU and the Entertainment Technology Center (ETC), has released a report on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its effect on the media.
News categories: SMPTE, European Broadcasting Union, Entertainment Technology Center, Renard T. Jenkins, Fred Walls, Big Data, Digital TV, Smart Home, UX, Worldwide

Nagra Sport and the EBU launch Eurovision Sport streaming service
Feb 6, 2024 – NAGRAVISION (SIX: KUD.S) and the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) have announced a partnership to deliver and operate Eurovision Sport, a new worldwide D2C sports streaming service.
News categories: NAGRA, European Broadcasting Union, Eurovision Sport, André Kudelski, Noel Curran, Content Distribution, Digital TV, Streaming, Worldwide

Eurovision Sport selects Ad Insertion Platform monetization solution
Mar 28, 2023 – Ad Insertion Platform (AIP) has announced that Eurovision Sport will use its SSAI solution, CDN distribution and ad sales services for the video streaming of its Sport Digital Platform.
News categories: Ad Insertion Platform, Eurovision Sport, Laurent Potesta, Jean-Baptiste Casta, Advertising, Content Distribution, Digital TV, Europe, Streaming

SMPTE publishes guide to ontologies and semantics for media in the cloud
Dec 6, 2022 – SMPTE has collaborated with the EBU and MovieLabs to publish a guide to the use of ontologies and other semantic web technologies within a media landscape characterized by the movement of workflows into the cloud.
News categories: SMPTE, MovieLabs, EBU, David Grindle, Jim Helman, Hans Hoffmann, Big Data, Digital TV, Worldwide

5G-MAG launch puts media in the centre of 5G
Sep 13, 2019 – A 5G Media Action Group (5G-MAG) has been launched to provide a framework for all relevant stakeholders to collaborate on a market driven implementation of 5G in production and distribution of audiovisual media content and services.
News categories: European Broadcasting Union, 5G-MAG, Antonio Arcidiacono, 5G, Content Distribution, Digital TV, Europe, IBC2024, Worldwide

EBU and Eurofins Digital Testing partner on UHDTV standards and logo
Sep 13, 2019 – The European Broadcasting Union has published a set of key distribution parameters (EBU Tech 3372) for UHDTV video and audio. Eurofins Digital Testing has created a certification logo, referencing the EBU specification.
News categories: Eurofins Digital Testing, European Broadcasting Union, Johan Craeybeckx, Antonio Arcidiacono, Digital TV, Europe, IBC2024, Smart TV

Ultra HD Forum brings updated Guidelines to NAB Show 2019
Apr 4, 2019 – At NAB, the Ultra HD Forum (UHDF) will bring an update to its Guidelines. The unified document describes ‘foundation’ UHD technologies, as well as ‘enhancements’ that are backward compatible but still work on foundation equipment.
News categories: Ultra HD Forum, Madeleine Noland, Thierry Fautier, Content Distribution, Digital TV, NABShow, Smart TV, Worldwide

UK's Freeview Play platform to receive £125 million investment
Jun 11, 2018 – The UK’s top broadcast companies have signed an agreement to accelerate Freeview’s transition to a fully hybrid platform. The collaboration will see an investment of £125 million to build on the success of Freeview Play, the UK market leader in free-to-view connected TV.
News categories: Digital UK, Jonathan Thompson, Digital TV, Middleware, Set Top Box, Smart TV, Terrestrial, UK

EBU publishes royalty-free CA standard for live content streams
Apr 6, 2018 – The EBU has published a new protocol, developed in close collaboration with network equipment vendors ATEME and NEVION, which makes it a lot easier for media rights holders to grant clients access to live video content.
News categories: European Broadcasting Union, Adi Kouadio, Dr Hans Hoffmann, Oscar Teran, Conditional Access, Digital TV, IBC2024, NABShow, Streaming, Worldwide