Digital TV News: Fraunhofer FOKUS

First results of German DVB-I Pilot to be shown at IBC 2022
Sep 7, 2022 – Stakeholders from the media industry, including broadcasters, device manufacturers, software providers and research companies have announced the start of the 'German DVB-I Pilot'.
News categories: DVB Project, DVB-I, Remo Vogel, Broadcast, Content Distribution, Digital TV, Europe, IBC2024, Set Top Box, Smart TV, Streaming, Worldwide

Multiperiod DASH and PlayReady SL3000 added to HbbTV reference application
Jun 20, 2022 – The HbbTV Association has announced additions to its DASH DRM Reference Application: multiperiod DASH, as may result from server-side ad insertion (SSAI); and PlayReady SL3000, as is being required more and more by US content providers.
News categories: HbbTV Association, Content Distribution, Digital TV, Europe, HbbTV, Streaming, Worldwide

Norigin Media trials ad replacement with Fraunhofer FOKUS
Dec 8, 2020 – Norigin Media has completed an ad-replacement trial with Fraunhofer FOKUS. The joint OTT AdTech proposition will offer Pay TV operators the possibility to detect and replace advertisements on streaming services.
News categories: Norigin Media, Fraunhofer FOKUS, Ajey Anand, Robert Seeliger, Advertising, Digital TV, Worldwide

Open IPTV Forum moves one step ahead and proves interoperability
Nov 23, 2009 – The Open IPTV Forum (OIPF) has announced that its first Interoperability Event was successful. The event took place from Nov 16th - 20th in the premises of the event host, Fraunhofer FOKUS in Berlin, Germany.
News categories: Open IPTV Forum, Content Distribution, IPTV, Middleware, Set Top Box

Open IPTV Forum (OIPF) members to show at IBC
Sep 8, 2009 – At the Open IPTV Forum (OIPF) booth at this year's IBC, two OIPF members, Fraunhofer FOKUS and Netgem, will demonstrate technologies based on elements of the Release 1 specifications.
News categories: Open IPTV Forum, Content Distribution, IBC2024, IPTV, Middleware, Set Top Box

Fraunhofer Browser-Based IPTV Technologies Link Internet, TV, and Mobile Phone
Sep 1, 2009 – At the 2009 IFA, Fraunhofer FOKUS will present its IPTV Ecosystem. This technology allows seamless integration of Web-based media functions with IPTV and telecommunication environments. The result: cross-platform use for Web, TV, and mobile phones.
News categories: Fraunhofer FOKUS, Content Distribution, IFABerlin, IPTV, Middleware

Television is the media hub device for Web, TV and Communication
Aug 29, 2008 – At IFA 2008 Fraunhofer FOKUS is showcasing how Internet-based content of the RTL Deutschland media group can be adapted for television, integrated with the TV programs of the Group and managed by the remote control.
News categories: Fraunhofer, RTL, Content Distribution, IFABerlin, Middleware, Set Top Box, Smart Home, Streaming