Digital TV News: T-VIPS

Danish world premiere of next generation mobile TV standard DVB-T2 Lite
Mar 13, 2012 – As one of the first in Europe, Open Channel started trials of DVB-T2 in 2010. Open Channel again leads the way as the first in the world to air the next generation of mobile TV, based on the new standard DVB-T2 Lite profile.
News categories: Open Channel, Denmark, Digital TV, DVB-T2, Mobile, Tablet

Teracom Turns to T-VIPS to Support the Next Generation of Swedish Television
Aug 23, 2010 – T-VIPS has announced that its solutions have been chosen by Swedish media operator Teracom to enable the deployment of DVB-T2 for Sweden's digital terrestrial network. The project will deliver HD and other next generation TV services to Swedish homes.
News categories: T-VIPS, Teracom, Content Distribution, DVB-T2, Sweden, Terrestrial

MEDIA BROADCAST Chooses T-VIPS Advanced DTT Solutions for German DVB-T2 Trial
Mar 15, 2010 – T-VIPS and MEDIA BROADCAST have announced that after extensive testing MEDIA BROADCAST has chosen the T-VIPS CP560 DVB-T2 Gateway for DVB-T2 Trial Niedersachsen. This T-VIPS solution fills a gap in the DVB-T2 solution set for SFN operation.
News categories: T-VIPS, MEDIA BROADCAST, Content Distribution, DVB-T2, Germany, Terrestrial

Market Ready For Launch Of DVB-T2 Services
Sep 11, 2009 – The launch of DVB-T2 HD services is on schedule to take place later this year in the United Kingdom, with further launches expected in several other European countries including Finland and Serbia.
News categories: DVB Project, Content Distribution, Digital TV, DVB-T2, Finland, IBC2024, Semiconductor, Serbia, Set Top Box, Terrestrial, UK

T-VIPS DVB-T2 Gateway Simplifies Migration to DVB-T2
Sep 2, 2009 – T-VIPS has announced the IBC launch of the T-VIPS DVB-T2 Gateway. The DVB-T2 Gateway is the only hardware solution required to convert a DVB-T headend for full DVB-T2 compliance.
News categories: T-VIPS, Content Distribution, Digital TV, DVB-T2, IBC2024, Terrestrial