Digital TV News: Netris

TTK Chooses Netris for IPTV Roll Out in Western Siberia
Aug 19, 2011 – Netris has deployed for TTK, one of the largest service providers in Russia, its Netris End-to-end Solution to deliver IPTV services to Novosibirsk and other cities of the Western Siberia Region.
News categories: Netris, TTK, Conditional Access, Content Distribution, Digital TV, IPTV, Middleware, Russia

Vladlink to Launch IPTV in Russia with Netris
Feb 21, 2011 – Vladlink and Netris have announced the launch of an IPTV service in the Russian Far East based on Netris' iVision Middleware. The digital TV service appears under the VladLink.TV brand.
News categories: Netris, Vladlink, Asia, Digital TV, IPTV, Middleware, Russia, Set Top Box

AKADO Telecom and Netris Launch TV Broadcasting Service over the Internet
May 11, 2010 – AKADO Telecom and Netris have launched their TV Internet Broadcasting System (TIBS) based on Netris' IPSoft WebView. AKADO provides video delivery from content producer to TIBS where the content is transcoded for broadcasting over the Internet.
News categories: AKADO, Netris, Content Distribution, Media Player, Streaming

Netris End-to-End OTT Solution Protected by SecureMedia Encryptonite ONE System
Oct 21, 2009 – SecureMedia and Netris have announced the latest addition to the IPSoft™ Interactive Digital TV family that provides an end-to-end cutting-edge solution for secured multimedia delivery over Internet.
News categories: SecureMedia, Netris, Content Protection, DRM, Streaming, Video Exchange

Tvingo Telecom to launch IPTV with Netris
Sep 7, 2009 – Netris and Tvingo Telecom have announced that they have launched IPTV based on Nteris' IPSoft iVision IPTV Middleware. Netris is providing support and development of Tvingo Digital in Vladikavkaz, in the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, Russia.
News categories: Netris, Tvingo Telecom, Digital TV, IBC2024, IPTV, Middleware, Russia

Rosmedia Launches Distributive IPTV Service Protected by SecureMedia
Mar 25, 2009 – SecureMedia has announced that Rosmedia, a leading IPTV operator based in St. Petersburg, Russia, has successfully launched their new IPTV service protected by SecureMedia's Encryptonite ONE™ System CA/DRM technology.
News categories: SecureMedia, Netris, Conditional Access, Content Distribution, Digital TV, DRM, IPTV, Middleware, Russia, Video Exchange

Netris Partners with SecureMedia to Deliver Leading Edge IPTV Systems to JSC Kazakhtelecom
Sep 9, 2008 – Netris and SecureMedia have announced an end-to-end IPTV installation under a contract with JSC Kazakhtelecom. The rollout will take place this year in the capital Astana, and will then extend to other major cities throughout Kazakhstan.
News categories: Netris, SecureMedia, Kazakhtelecom, Conditional Access, Content Protection, Digital TV, DRM, IBC2024, IPTV, Kazakhstan, Middleware

Comstar Launches IP TV Service In Ukraine
Mar 3, 2008 – COMSTAR-United TeleSystems (COMSTAR-UTS, LSE: CMST) has announced that COMSTAR-Ukraine, a member of COMSTAR-UTS group, is the first to have launched an interactive digital TV (IP-TV) service in Odessa.
News categories: COMSTAR, Netris, Digital TV, IPTV, Middleware, Ukraine

Netris Announces Integration of its IPSoft iVision IPTV Middleware with ADB's HD Set-Top Boxes
Feb 16, 2007 – Netris has announced that it has successfully integrated its IPSoft iVision IPTV Middleware with Advanced Digital Broadcast's hybrid, IPTV set-top box the ADB-3800W.
News categories: Netris, Advanced Digital Broadcast, Digital TV, IPTV, Middleware, Russia, Set Top Box