Digital TV News: Publica

DVB releases new BlueBooks covering DVB-TA, DVB-I and DVB-DASH
Jul 9, 2024 – DVB has published an update to its Targeted Advertising specifications as well as commercial requirements for the addition of new CDN-related functionality to DVB-I and DVB-DASH.
News categories: DVB Project, Advertising, Content Distribution, Digital TV, QoE, Streaming, Worldwide

Simply.TV acquires InFlow Media
Jul 3, 2024 – Simply.TV has acquired InFlow Media. InFlow Media provides EPG metadata and has been instrumental in supporting the transition to time-shift viewing, PVRs and VOD in the Nordics.
News categories: Simply.TV, InFlow Media, Daniel Rühmann, Rune Skogeng, Tina Mari Flem, Big Data, Digital TV, Europe, MandA, UX

EBU sets out strategic asks on generative AI and media
Jun 11, 2024 – The EBU has released a strategic paper on generative AI and media. In the paper, the EBU extracts the hot button topics around generative AI for public service media.
News categories: EBU, Eric Scherer, Big Data, Digital TV, Europe, Regulation

DIRECTV Advertising unveils slate of product enhancements
Jun 6, 2024 – DIRECTV Advertising has unveiled a slate of product enhancements, bringing its expertise to address marketers biggest challenges, including incremental reach, privacy and brand safety.
News categories: DIRECTV Advertising, Amy Leifer, Liz Leonard, Advertising, Digital TV, USA

AA/WARC reports UK 2023 ad spend at £36.6bn
Apr 25, 2024 – The latest AA/WARC dataset expects the UK advertising market to grow 5.8% to reach nearly £39bn in 2024. Broadcast media, most notably TV (+2.6%) and radio (+2.3%) are expected to return to growth.
News categories: WARC, Advertising Association, James McDonald, Stephen Woodford, Advertising, Digital TV, Market Research, UK

Canal+ and MultiChoice agree offer for Multichoice buyout
Apr 8, 2024 – MultiChoice and Canal+ have entered into a cooperation agreement regarding Canal+'s proposed mandatory offer for MultiChoice.
News categories: Canal+, MultiChoice, Africa, Digital TV, MandA, Satellite

Updates to DVB-I spec and implementation guidelines published
Feb 27, 2024 – DVB has updated two DVB-I BlueBooks: A177r6 is the latest version of the DVB-I service discovery specification; and A184r1 is the first revision of the implementation guidelines for DVB-I.
News categories: DVB Project, Broadcast, Content Distribution, Digital TV, Europe, Set Top Box, Smart TV, Streaming, UX, Worldwide

Vivendi updates on plan to split into several entities
Jan 30, 2024 – Vivendi has presented an update on its project to split the company into several entities, one of which would be Canal+, with each being separately listed on the stock market.
News categories: Vivendi, Canal+, Digital TV, Europe, France, MandA, Satellite, Streaming, Worldwide

Telefónica to bid for full control of Telefónica Deutschland
Nov 8, 2023 – Telefónica has decided to make a public acquisition offer to the shareholders of Telefónica Deutschland to acquire the 28.19% of Telefónica Deutschland that it does not already own.
News categories: Telefónica, Telefónica Deutschland, Digital TV, Germany, IPTV, MandA