Digital TV News: Telenor

Nordic households spending €149pm on media and access services
May 27, 2020 – In newly released analysis, Mediavision concludes that Nordic households now spend on average EUR 149 per month on media and access services. Operators such as Telia, Telenor and TDC account for a majority of that spend.
News categories: Mediavision, Denmark, Digital TV, Finland, Market Research, Norway, Sweden

Nordija integrates Yospace ad insertion technology
May 26, 2020 – Yospace and Nordija have announced an integration that simplifies the route-to-market for broadcasters and video service providers wishing to monetize their live OTT streams via server-side dynamic ad insertion.
News categories: Nordija, Yospace, Peter Røder Kristensen, Ed New, Advertising, Content Distribution, Digital TV, Worldwide

Nordic video markets riding high
May 21, 2020 – According to Futuresource Consulting, not only are consumers in the Nordic region subscribing to multiple SVoD services, but they are also driving a return to growth for the transactional video market.
News categories: Futuresource Consulting, Tristan Veale, Denmark, Digital TV, Finland, Market Research, Norway, Streaming, Sweden

Nordija delivers TV and media platform for Telenor Sweden
May 20, 2020 – Nordija has made the first delivery of a next generation TV and Media platform from Telenor Sweden, consisting of web TV, a platform for phones and tablets and Apple TV with functionalities such as Unified Search, Single Sign-On and Deep Linking.
News categories: Nordija, Telenor, Jeroen van Vliet, Leif Björklund, Content Distribution, Digital TV, Streaming, Sweden

EU approves Canal Digital-Viasat Consumer joint venture
Apr 30, 2020 – The European Commission has approved the combination of Canal Digital, Telenor Group’s satellite pay-TV business, with Viasat Consumer, Nordic Entertainment Group’s satellite pay-TV and broadband-TV business.
News categories: Telenor, NENT Group, Jørgen C. Arentz Rostrup, Denmark, Digital TV, IPTV, MandA, Norway, Regulation, Satellite, Sweden

Canal Digital and Viasat Consumer to merge
Oct 22, 2019 – Telenor Group and Nordic Entertainment Group (NENT Group) have announced the formation of a company that combines Canal Digital and Viasat Consumer (satellite pay-TV and broadband-TV operations) to create a Nordic TV distribution business.
News categories: Telenor, NENT Group, Jørgen C. Arentz Rostrup, Bjørn Ivar Moen, Anders Jensen, Denmark, Digital TV, IPTV, MandA, Norway, Satellite, Sweden

Telenor deploys pay TV system from ADB
Sep 13, 2019 – ADB has announced that Telenor has started to deploy ADB’s graphyne2 pay TV system to all subscribers connected to Telenor’s Cable and IP network. graphyne includes an ADB-designed Service Delivery Platform as well as client software.
News categories: Advanced Digital Broadcast, Rolf Seibl, Apps, Cable TV, Content Distribution, Digital TV, IBC2024, Norway, Set Top Box, UX

Fibre becomes leading technology for pay TV distribution in Norway
May 13, 2019 – Fibre has become the leading technology for the distribution of pay TV in Norway according to the country's National Communications Authority (Nkom). At the end of 2018, there were over 2.2 million TV subscriptions in the country, 28,000 fewer than a year earlier.
News categories: Nkom, Cable TV, Digital TV, IPTV, Norway, Satellite, Subscribers, Terrestrial

Telenor and Axiata enter discussions to merge Asian operations
May 6, 2019 – Telenor and Axiata Group are in discussions regarding a potential non-cash combination of their telecom and infrastructure assets in Asia, in which Telenor would take a majority stake. It is anticipated that Telenor will own 56.5% and Axiata will own 43.5%.
News categories: Telenor, Axiata, Gunn Wærsted, Sigve Brekke, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, MandA, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Thailand